Many of you have read all about relocating to places like Belize, Pago-Pago – or perhaps even the Kerguelen Islands if you really want to get away (extra credit for those who can even find the Kerguelen Islands on a world map without googling it!). There may or may not be some merit a number of relocation countries, and no doubt some readers here have already done research in that regard. No doubt, there is a wide range of countries with a wide range of advantages and disadvantages. My goal is not to dissuade you from some place warm and sunny, but rather ensure you have considered the full panoply of possible options – including Canada.
Many of the countries people are examining come with large question marks – such as, for one example, Costa Rica, which has a large cadre of committed leftists in leadership, even if they are not currently a formally Communist country. Mexico? Would you really feel safe in an almost-failed country during an economic or grid meltdown? Will you fit in culturally, and how well have you mastered the language? There (Read more....)