by SurvivingSurvivalism.com
Our commitment to living the survivalist lifestyle includes living so far off the beaten path as to make a daily commute to work impractical to say the least. And so, in monetary terms, we have been living on just a few hundred dollars a year. Someone, not understanding the essence of survivalism, suggested recently that we “get a job.” For their sake, as well as anyone else out there who thinks that living a survivalist life means transferring your suburban life to another location, here is my job description and “payment”:
1. Collect firewood – Much of this is done by dragging fallen and standing dead pinion, cedar and juniper trees, later to be cut into correct sizes for the wood cook stove and the wood heating stove.
That replaces our gas bill.
2. Keep the storage batteries full of water and check connections to the solar panels.
That replaces our electric bill.
3. Do the laundry by the (Read more....) […]
by SurvivingSurvivalism.com
Why Are You Trying to Survive? With the news being what it is, the world has now come to the point at which a huge shake-up is undeniable E to anyone who has 2 cents worth of brain matter between their ears. So hoards are joining the stampede to become “survivalists”. The movement has even spurred the development of the “survival industry“, with commercials now being played on mainstream media stations for freeze-dried storage foods and solar generators.
There is an old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do.” So if you are going to go the path of being a “survivalist”, first you’ll want to know where you are going E and why.
Plenty of alternative news outlets are trumpeting that “martial law” is soon to be implemented (Read more....) […]
Growing up the daughter of a self-sufficient mother and father, I was taught never to depend on anyone or anything. My mother believed life was full of so much uncertainty and that there was no way to know whether or not we would have the luxuries of today when we woke up tomorrow. “Expectation and dependency are the keys in unlocking the doors to unhappiness,” my father always said in following up my mother’s statements. Looking back, I remember rolling my eyes every time they talked about self-sufficiency. I simply couldn’t and wouldn’t imagine a world where my parents’ assertions were real. ‘The government and our fellow mankind would take care of us,’ I remember thinking.
Picture Credit – Family Friendly Knoxville
When I witnessed Hurricane Katrina, I realized my parents were right. All these people were destitute, without shelter, without food, without a promise of tomorrow, and without aid. I remember thinking that I lived my life much like the displaced citizens of Katrina. I lived my life as if anything (Read more....) […]
Most emergency preparedness experts recommend having enough food, water, and supplies to last at least two weeks in the case of a disaster. It can be difficult to find the money to set aside enough to see your family through a fourteen day period, however. With coupons, you can easily find great deals on the things that you need for your emergency supplies without making a big dent in your regular monthly budget.
Start With the Basics
Water, food, and medical supplies are all important to have on hand. But which of these items should you begin purchasing and storing first? When you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend, you will want to start with the basics and purchase items when they are on sale. By using a coupon for an item that is already at a reduced price, you stock up on the things that you need at a much faster rate than buying items at full price.
According to the website Ready.Gov, you need the following on hand:
· One gallon of water per person, per day.
· Enough food for each person, preferably dried or canned foods.
· Pliers, scissors, and other common tools.
· Medical supplies, such as bandages, prescription medications, and over the counter (Read more....) […]
Freeze-dried food has been used for years by those who need quick, moisture-free meals. It is also great for including in emergency food supplies, as it stores well and has a long shelf life. Although you may have never heard of freeze drying food at home, it is possible. If you would like to know how to easily freeze dry food, the following tips can help.
Getting Started
Although there are various methods for freeze drying food, the method discussed here uses dry ice. It is simple to accomplish at home and eliminates the need for a special freeze drying machine. Dry ice creates an environment that is freezing and relatively free of humidity and oxygen, which is essential for the freeze drying process. To get started, you must gather the food items you want to freeze dry. For beginners, it is advisable to start with simple items such as strawberries or potatoes, as they are easy to handle and pretty much fool-proof. You will also need a supply of dry ice, a large cooler or bucket, and food containers to hold your food.
Freeze Dry Your Food
First you will want to slice your food into thin pieces, which makes the freeze drying process much easier. After you have become more experienced at freeze drying, (Read more....) […]
***The following is a guest post for Survival by Barbara Fix*** Move over for the next generation… the green movement’s here to stay! It’s taken over our TV programs, big box marketing strategies, and has captured the hearts and minds of many. The green movement is replacing consumerism with practical economy that is user friendly to our overburdened landfills. But nowhere is it evidenced more than with the new wave of organic gardening. Surprisingly, the first green movement began in the early 1900’s in a reaction to synthetic fertilizer at the beginning of the new industrialized agriculture. Somehow, it died a quiet death until it heated back up, starting in 1990. Since then, the demand for organic foods has increased an impressive 20% each year.
And rightfully so! If the past few decades has taught us anything, its that if we want to stay healthy, eating foods that we won’t have to sneak up on, we need to get re-acquainted with our back yards and turn them into something useful like a vegetable garden. Even better is planting those gardens with heirloom seed and (Read more....) […]
****Today we have a guest post by Barbara Fix. She is an outstanding writer and I think that you are really going to enjoy what she has to share with us below. We encourage everyone to visit Barbara at Survival Diva Blog http://www.survivaldiva.com/.**** We are all aware of escalating food prices, but what’s driving the shortages and the price hikes? The answer is multifaceted: global political unrest, inflation, weather anomalies, the nuclear incident in Japan and the rising price of oil that increases the cost of planting, harvesting and transportation have all played their part.
The US & Abroad Facing Food Shortages
Over the past several months, US cropland has been decimated by a one-two-three punch. Flooding and tornadoes have destroyed portions of Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Oklahoma croplands, leading to crop failure for many US staples: rice, corn, wheat, soybeans and other crops. Livestock has also been negatively impacted in many of these regions.
In the US wheat belt, Texas and Oklahoma have suffered drought conditions, which lead to the failure of (Read more....) […]