How to Prepare for Emergency Situations Using Your Coupons

Most emergency preparedness experts recommend having enough food, water, and supplies to last at least two weeks in the case of a disaster. It can be difficult to find the money to set aside enough to see your family through a fourteen day period, however. With coupons, you can easily find great deals on the things that you need for your emergency supplies without making a big dent in your regular monthly budget.

Start With the Basics

Water, food, and medical supplies are all important to have on hand. But which of these items should you begin purchasing and storing first? When you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend, you will want to start with the basics and purchase items when they are on sale. By using a coupon for an item that is already at a reduced price, you stock up on the things that you need at a much faster rate than buying items at full price.

According to the website Ready.Gov, you need the following on hand:

·    One gallon of water per person, per day.
·    Enough food for each person, preferably dried or canned foods.
·    Pliers, scissors, and other common tools.
·    Medical supplies, such as bandages, prescription medications, and over the counter (Read more....)
