Towards A Smaller Economic Footprint

***The following is a guest post for Survival by Fred Rasmussen*** My recent activism comes from a concern that the freedoms granted by our constitution are being eroded away by the greed, corruption, and disloyalty of our political system. Instead of government being our servant, they are clearly trying to become our master. In fact they already have, but not by authority that is rightfully theirs.  So in the meantime, what can a person do for his own personal freedom? I have some ideas about this. But it isn’t as much a political matter as an economic one. It’s an urgent matter of survival. Suppose the victims of hurricane Katrina could have known six months in advance that the disaster was coming. Certainly many would scoff, others might want to prepare for it but not know how. Still others might make drastic changes in preparation, asking themselves tough questions, like “what would I do for clean water?”, “what about food?”

I believe we are headed for a financial disaster when the dollar ceases to exist as a currency. The basis (Read more....)


Survival Tips: Five Things Every American Should Do, But Won’t

The following is a guest post by Dennis Evers, the author of an upcoming book entitled “How to Handle a Crisis”. In this article, Evers gives us some basic disaster and emergency survival tips that all Americans should be putting into practice but are not. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans always leave things until the last minute. But unfortunately, in the economic hard times that are coming “preparing at the last minute” is just not going to cut it. Right now Americans need to be storing up food, medical supplies and emergency equipment.  There are millions of Americans that have become “preppers” and more are joining the movement every day.  Hopefully what Evers has to say will inspire all of us to ramp up our preparations for the hard times that are coming….


We’ve all seen him on the news. The guy buying plywood, beer, chips and other survival essentials as the approaching hurricane can be seen over his shoulder in the distance.

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans aren’t much better when it comes to being prepared for emergencies. However, recent disasters have proven that the sheer magnitude of an event can (Read more....)


11 Things That You Will Need For Survival When Disaster Or Emergency Strikes

DISASTER_by_a4ateeq2Most Americans honestly do not know how to survive if they suddenly couldn’t run down to Wal-Mart and fill up their shopping carts. The truth is that we live during times when a disaster or an emergency could strike at any time.  It is important to be prepared, and nobody is going to prepare for you.

The following is a list of 11 key items that you will want to make sure that you and your family have in case you are faced with an emergency situation…..

#1) Storable Food

Most Americans cannot conceive of a world where you can’t just run out to McDonald’s or to the supermarket and get all the food you want. However, if you are trapped in your home during an emergency for an extended period of time, you and your family are going to need food. Even if you plan to grow food you better have a substantial amount of storable food put away.

#2) Clean Water

Most people could make it for a number of weeks without food, but without water you will die in a matter of days. You and your family are going to need clean water. Is there an abundant supply of water near your home? Will you (Read more....)


How To Prepare For Disaster – A Survival Guide For Your Family Part 3

Prepare 3186In parts one and two of this series we talked about food and water, but in part three we will discuss how you can prepare your home for emergency or disaster.

Below we have compiled a list of items that you will want to have in your home in case disaster or emergency strikes.  It is not a comprehensive list, but if you will follow this checklist, it will give you a huge head start in getting prepared for an emergency.

Before we actually get to the list, we want to cover something that we discussed in our article on hurricane preparation.  It is an element of preparation that most people overlook – making sure that your most important papers and documents are safe and secure.

During Hurricane Katrina, many people lost their important documents because the Hurricane absolutely soaked and destroyed them. So, make copies of your most important papers and documents and keep them in a waterproof container.  In addition, we would suggest keeping that waterproof container in a safe if possible.

Important documents that you will want to safeguard include insurance policies, family pictures, deeds, titles, passports, licenses, bank account records (Read more....)


How To Prepare For Disaster – A Survival Guide For Your Family Part 2

Prepare 1rainwater-harvesting-tankOne of the keys to surviving any disaster or emergency situation is to ensure that you and your loved ones have an adequate supply of clean drinking water.  It is said that the average person needs at least a gallon of clean water per day.  The truth is that we all need water not only for drinking but also for food preparation and sanitation.
So, if you and your family are in an emergency situation for a week without being able to leave your home, you will need at least 28 gallons of water for a 4 person family.  Also, do not forget about the family pet.  Spottie will need a drink too! 
So what can you do to prepare for an adequate water supply in the event of a disaster or emergency?

Here are some ideas…..

 1)  Get A High Quality Water Filter
This is a good idea even in normal times.  The truth is that our tap water is full of stuff you don’t even want to know about.  However, things can get even worse in an emergency situation.

Having a water filtering system for your home (Read more....)


How To Prepare For Disaster – A Survival Guide For Your Family Part 1

Prepare-2-216x300BulkMany of us have the tendency to think that we will never face a really serious disaster or emergency.  But those who have been through a difficult ordeal know that it is those who are prepared that have the best chance to survive a crisis.

This article is the first part in a three part series on how you and your family can be prepared if disaster or emergency strikes.

It is not difficult.  In fact, it can be easier than you think.

In this guide, we break the preparation process down into 4 checklists. Begin with step 1, and work your way through step 4.

Step 1 – Build an emergency pantry that can provide you and your family with food for a year. I know that sounds like a lot.  But it is much better to be over prepared than under prepared.  You will want to only buy food for your emergency pantry that will keep very well.  Ideally you will want to stock it with food that can keep for several years.  This emergency food pantry will give you peace of mind that if disaster or emergency does hit, you and your family will have plenty to eat.  Consider it to be an insurance policy.  We take out insurance against all kinds of (Read more....)


Welcome To Disaster And Emergency Survival

seconds_before_disaster_by_rue_different2We are very excited to welcome you to the Disaster and Emergency Survival website.  We live in unusual times when it pays to expect the unexpected.  The dangers that we all potentially face today are numerous – hurricanes (we all remember Hurricane Katrina, right?), wildfires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, pandemics and even the possibility of terrorist attacks.

(Picture Seconds Before Disaste By Rue Different)

When disaster or emergency does strike, it is those who are prepared that are able to make it through.  It is our goal to provide some of the very best resources, information and tips that will enable you and your family to survive any type of disaster or emergency that you may encounter.


(Read more....)
