Towards A Smaller Economic Footprint

***The following is a guest post for Survival by Fred Rasmussen*** My recent activism comes from a concern that the freedoms granted by our constitution are being eroded away by the greed, corruption, and disloyalty of our political system. Instead of government being our servant, they are clearly trying to become our master. In fact they already have, but not by authority that is rightfully theirs.  So in the meantime, what can a person do for his own personal freedom? I have some ideas about this. But it isn’t as much a political matter as an economic one. It’s an urgent matter of survival. Suppose the victims of hurricane Katrina could have known six months in advance that the disaster was coming. Certainly many would scoff, others might want to prepare for it but not know how. Still others might make drastic changes in preparation, asking themselves tough questions, like “what would I do for clean water?”, “what about food?”

I believe we are headed for a financial disaster when the dollar ceases to exist as a currency. The basis (Read more....)
