As noted in the previous article, the goal of examining different Canadian regions for you is two-fold: a.) to look at regions that might be good locales in a slow, grinding, on-going economic downturn, and b.) examine areas the might be suitable in a more serious societal and/or economic breakdown (the so-called “zombie apocalypse”). The goal is to provide a range of options for those who think we will see “merely” continued socialist economic malaise, all the way through to examining locations that might fare better in a much more serious apocalypse.
The Canadian Rockies, which are on the western edge of Alberta, aren’t exactly “prairie,” but I am putting these three “prairie” provinces together for the sake of brevity. There is a very clear bifurcation in Canadian minds between western and eastern Canada. Westerners – of which I consider myself one – still have a residual distaste for easterners in that back in the 1980s (and earlier) Ontario – which basically ran Canada until recently (and largely still does), essentially expropriated (Read more....)