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A Day In the Real Life Of A Survivalist

A Day In the Real Life, by

Thank you for the wonderful response to our article, Top 8 Deadly Myths About Survival. Many of you wrote asking for more information about the day-to-day life. Here's a peek at a typical non-winter day.

It's noon-ish. The first round of chores are pretty much done. So far today, here is what we've been up to:

Woke up at 4:00 a.m. because a pack of coyotes was howling too close to the chicken coop and we had to let the dog out to protect them. Then we went back to sleep to the sound of the dog barking. Well, okay. That's not exactly a daily happening, but it did happen last night!

Around 6:00 a.m. we get up for real. I light the kitchen wood stove to warm up the house and get breakfast going. Breakfast is usually fresh farm eggs, pancakes, biscuits, cracked wheat cereal or such.

We grind our own flour by hand. That means attaching the grain mill (we use and recommend the Wondermill Junior Deluxe (Read more....)
