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Reading, Writing, Arithmetic- Learning How To Survive The Real World.

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Authored by Dave Webb

I look at how I was educated and I have a problem. We were basically educated to be assembly line workers in a factory. Oh, we have history, English, math skills, etc.

But, the basic orientation is 9-5 education. It starts at the beginning of training in the schools. We all are trained to sit in chairs and listen. This prepares us for a 9-5 regiment in a factory when you grow up. Never mind that training someone to make his own way in the world might be more valuable in the long run. Like learning to run a store or a business might be better for everyone or not.

Since that day years ago when I started school, things have changed drastically. The problem is I do not feel that education has changed with it. I think we need a new approach.

I think back then the most valuable courses (Read more....)
