Emergencies can happen to anyone and anywhere, including our children. As much as we want to be there to protect our child, we may not always be able too. So here are 5 things you can teach your child so that they know how to handle an emergency without your help:
Your child needs to know all the possible emergencies that could happen whether that is natural disasters or dealing with strangers. The more they know, they more they will be able to handle an emergency situation. With each emergency they need to know what can be expected, as well as to expect the unexpected, what to do when it happens and how to keep safe. Create emergency plans and practice!
Seek help:
Teach your children who to contact during an emergency. They need to know how to dial 9-1-1 as well as notify an adult or parent for help. Keep a list of important phone numbers at every phone within in your home, always place 9-1-1 at the top of the list.
Stay calm:
It is important that your child knows how to remain calm and keep a clear head during an (Read more....)