Obamacare is only the latest move towards our going into a communistic/socialistic state.
We have been gradually going to the Communistic side of economics for a good number of years. There are a good number of questions that need to be asked of our representatives in the Congress.
There is a valid case for a socialist type economy in today’s world. Apparently Mr. Romney’s 47% people on welfare is alarming to a lot of us. The problem I have with it is qualifications. In order to qualify, you have to be practically bankrupt. Or you have to stay below a certain income level to qualify.
Even the VA Hospitals have put income qualifications in place by President Bush’s executive orders. Those orders are still in effect years after he is out of office. I find this to be a national disgrace. No other country in the world has such a system of penalizing people who risked their lives because they happened to be successful in civilian life. But we do a lot of thiings like penalizing people (Read more....)