Our commitment to living the survivalist lifestyle includes living so far off the beaten path as to make a daily commute to work impractical to say the least. And so, in monetary terms, we have been living on just a few hundred dollars a year. Someone, not understanding the essence of survivalism, suggested recently that we “get a job.” For their sake, as well as anyone else out there who thinks that living a survivalist life means transferring your suburban life to another location, here is my job description and “payment”:
1. Collect firewood – Much of this is done by dragging fallen and standing dead pinion, cedar and juniper trees, later to be cut into correct sizes for the wood cook stove and the wood heating stove.
That replaces our gas bill.
2. Keep the storage batteries full of water and check connections to the solar panels.
That replaces our electric bill.
3. Do the laundry by the (Read more....)