Obesity is on the rise worldwide, and experts have been researching this issue intensely in order to determine how to reduce the current statistics. Reducing weight and staying physically fit can help reduce health problems and increase an individual’s quality of life. Perhaps this is the reason behind the nation’s obsession with fitness and weight loss.
Binge Eating in Men Begins to Gain Attention
For years, binge eating amongst women has been labeled as an eating disorder. Yet, binge eating across the male population has been identified as a sign of health and hard work. Recently, the issue of male excessive eating has come up in the media as a hidden health issue. Approximately eight million men and women in the United States are guilty of binge eating in the United States, which is characterized by eating large amounts of food merely two hours apart at least two times a week . As one can see, this issue can lead to the development of unhealthy habits, health issues, and metabolic instability.
National Exercise Increase
The decrease in the amount of exercise that most Americans are getting has been a recent concern for fitness experts. However, in 2010 the number of adults who said they went on a 10-minute walk at least once a week increased by sixty-two percent . In fact, this increase amount of physical activity occurred in all regions, depicting individuals of all races and ages. That’s one step for the national physical fitness effort!
Can Limiting Trans Fats Amounts in Food Really Produce Legitimate Effects?
Many Americans have heard the recent historical debate about the types and amounts of oil(s) that are used in restaurants, especially those featuring fast food services. However, a recent law in New York has banned restaurants from using partially hydrogenate vegetable oil and other oil options that contain a total of 0.5 or more trans fats gram per serving. Afterwards, city health officials purchased food from 168 randomly-selected restaurants, and their results showed a total decrease of 1.9 grams of fat per purchase. While this may not seem like much, these numbers add up for individuals who eat out numerous times a month.
Discover Some of the Biggest Fat Burners
Losing weight and building muscle can be a monotonous process, especially if an individual has quite a bit to shed. However, we have identified some of the top fat burners to rev up metabolism and help shed pounds. While some of the top fat burners include running, working out early, and high-intensity workouts, others feature weight-training, interval training, and exercising with a weighted vest. Additional high fat burners include using aromatherapy, playing sports, and consuming more protein. By following these suggested guidelines, fitness gurus will be gaining more muscle and cranking out more reps in no time.
Members of Weight Watchers Lose More Weight than those with Physician Plans
Oftentimes, diet plans, supplements, and devices fizzle out within a few years, as a result of inefficiency. However, a recent study has shown that members of the Weight Watchers program lost twice as much weight as those who merely followed a physician’s advice to lose weight and choose healthier fares . While this isn’t to say that healthcare providers have no influence over a patient’s dietary habits, the Weight Watchers program makes it easier to incorporate healthy eating into everyday life, making it simpler to stick with in the long run.
Overview of Diet and Fitness News
In the end, maintaining a healthy diet and incorporating more fitness into a daily regimen can be a difficult routine to establish and follow. However, the benefits of living a more healthy lifestyle can benefit an individual’s life for years to come and can even promote healthy habit to other family members. By keeping up with diet and fitness news, individuals can stay up-to-date on products that are effective and safe, while learning to keep an eye out for those that promise unattainable results.
Author Byline:
Kelsey is the editor in chief for findananny. She loves to write article and ideas that parents & nannies would be interested in hearing. She helps society on giving information about nannies through http://www.findananny.net/ She is a professional writer & loves writing on anything.