A recent Reuters poll revealed some interesting insights into the mindset of many Americans today. A large majority (73 percent) revealed that they believe we are “off on the wrong track”. Nearly half of those polled (47 percent) also believe that the “worst is yet to come”. This is up 13 percentage points from a year ago. Of course this all comes on the heels of the contentious congressional debt ceiling debate, the first credit rating downgrade in United States history, a two-week roller coaster ride in the stock market, and a jobless rate that is almost 10% and stagnant in many parts of the country. Some experts believe that number could be as high as 22-25% when you factor in the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work, altogether.
Even more alarming is the recent CNN poll that revealed 48 percent of Americans believe it is likely that another great Depression will begin within the next 12 months. I believe these polls show there is a gut feeling across the country that all is not well here in the USA.
There are some truly eerie things happening across our country, right now, which in year’s past, (Read more....)